
Courtesy of Simon F, Weller's videos on line. The Relentless Garage's gig.

The Stone.Believer review:

A quick run down.
A very small night club venue holding only approximately 500. A short but lively setlist. Weller and the band seemed to be in the party mood, to say the least! Paul seemed very at ease, he was smiling alot and looking a little orange! The Jam songs went down very well as they always do with the London crowd. Delighted to hear aim high although Paul didn't sing in the high manner as he does on the album. Let it be me sounded good and a nice addition to the setlist. He went for his now usual fag break during Wid wood! The highlight of the evening was when he introduced Noel Gallagher to the stage. The whole audience seemed completely shocked. Gem Archer strummed a few cords on Start aswell. Glad I was there a great gig.

Virgin Videos

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