
So sad About him... Marco's art cover dedication.

Top bloke and great splinterite, Kevin Emsley Passed away. All the blog is for him this week. Sure he would have enjoy this gig, full of the first times Jam's energy... See you above the clouds...

B - Audience recording (not so sure)

The Jam Live, Los Angeles, Whiskey a gogo 08/10/1977.

Usual rules: The next show will be posted after this concert gets 10 thank yous or comments.


YV said...

The first Thank you is for Jeff who helped me to build an important part of the collection you will enjoy next! Thank you man! :) Here's the first one! :)

HSB DaveB. said...

Tragic news about Kev. Really nice guy and he will be missed in our community. My thoughts are with his family.

Peace and SOUL,

The Badge said...

Here's to Kev! A rocking good show for a great guy. js.

Xenium said...

Could you reshare it? Please. Thanks.