The Jam at Edinburgh Playhouse 6th April 1982
Artwork courtesy of Manu! :)
Artwork courtesy of Manu! :)
As i move with something approaching dignity into my fifth decade i'd like to share a gig which means a lot to me. It was the last time i saw The Jam and it was the second night of two gigs at the Edinburgh Playhouse which were beyond words. It really does not get any better than this !
Except perhaps at the O2. I will be going so if anyone else is going and wants to have a few words while i'm there your welcome.Leave a message for me and i'll reply.But be warned i'm going with my wife and she (whisper it !) is not a big fan of Mr Weller.God help me !
As always enjoy the music.That's what it's all about.
Ian S
Thanks Ian - Happy Birthday!
I'll be at the 02 with my wife too - however she is also a fan. Sounds like we're the same generation since I'll reach the hawaii age this year too! Look out for me - I'll be the one wearing a Paul Weller tee-shirt!!
thanks and happy birthday
best wishes
nice one! thanks. andy.
Thanks to all of you and i'm glad you enjoyed it.
thanks mate absolute brill
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