
Thanx a million!

I have to admit I'm very grumpy sometimes and I also have to admit than I've been really disappointed sometimes but the lack of echo about the blog so I HAVE TO admit again than I have had a very important number of thank you and congratulations for this article in "Sud Ouest"...
I even forgot to thank Dave, Flavio, Spenny, Niels, Manu, Ian S, etc and I'm sure I'm still forgetting some fellow splinters. Without the Splinters there's no meeting with JC, with Simon, with Niels, with Wigzy, with Kevin A, with John Hellier, with Mark Baxter, etc...It's me who have to thank now! And of course, without Weller there's not that first parcel, a long time ago, I've sent in the south with a VHS copy of the Brixton Academy gig! So keep on keepin on!


Ian S said...

If you love the music it will love you back.

Stef J. said...

Cheers, mate !