
10.10.10 The greatest gig that never was...

Should have been a fantastic day for all the Small Faces fans, I mean the real ones, of course. We should have booked boats, ferries, trains, planes, hotel rooms ad we should have been The Mods on the road to celebrate, because of Mark Cunningham and John Hellier, our fantastic heroes, the Small Faces and their incredible Ogdens... It's sunny here and it would have been absolutely fantastic...I'm not sitty comftibold at all and I feel much pain for John and Mark and for us, the fans.

1 comment:

Cpt.Stax said...

I hope (for john expecially) the things will be sorted out with the small minds managing the other side.

in the (frankly) outrageous and disrespectful bulletin mac officially published there are a few points and accusations that still need to be explained and cleared by john and mark. there are a few dark corners that clash against the ogden circle.

the last things we (old sf fans) need is two parts with more that a "right" to represent the band, fighting each other over money and control. thats silly.