Didn't want to write a line about a so sad loss. Vultures and gutter press were all there to sell copies and to smell her dead body... Who cares? She's dead, that's it. No one is to blame... The story is well known.
I was eagerly waiting for a good article about what she has been as an artist, a true soul singer and as usual Nicolas Ungemuth wrote it... A single page and everything is said. Here's the main lines...With only one record, Amy Winehouse humiliated all the fake RNB bitches, showing them than their horrible shit music wasn't soul at all... Many people don't know how to write a song and there's no emotion at all in thier records...Amy Winehouse sang with a true sobriety, no effects, just the voice... Listen her singing with Paul Weller, probably very impressed (and the one who said kind things about her when she was put down by the press). She knew Thelonious Monk, Tony Bennett, Clifford Brown, the 5 Royales, Sam Cooke, Shangri La's, the Crystals...And she said she was found of Ska and rock Steady... One of us, a true mod. All the craps about 27 club or the awful Belgrade's gig is nothing...We have back to black to listen...One of the best soul records you can imagine...
Thanx a lot to Nicolas. He wrote a true mod funeral oration. No bullshit, no pathetic details...
What a LOSER!!!!!! With a capital "L"
She had every opportunity but just WASTED it.
With 30 minutes of music, She will stay as a major artist... Better burn than rust and please don't stay anonymous when you comment. ( Yann ).
We know about her music; (and enjoy it)but what do we really know about her life?
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